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LoveBox Festival 2015

19 July 2015
Jessie Ware was incredible! If you ever get a chance to see her, do it! She seems like the nicest and most down to earth artist I've seen in a while, plus her songs are beautiful!
Heres my outfit that I wore to the festival. Top and shorts are from ASOS. Necklace from Oasis. Shoes from H&M. Choker and lace throw on from New Look. Sunglasses from Topshop.
Your probably thinking these chips look gross but let me tell you. Chips with gravy and cheese are just amazing! On those days where you go wild and forget about healthy food, this is what you need!
So I can bee a right nutter sometimes and this blog is one about me, imperfections and all so this just gives you a little glimpse into what I'm like on a daily basis. Life's too short to be normal - right? 
Lovebox 2015 was such a great day out. Music was good and it was great to spend some quality time with my man. Although we live together we don't actually spend much time together with our busy work lives. Today was a day for us to enjoy life without the annoying distractions ad create some memories. 

Make most of the days you have and live it to the full. Always do what makes you happy!
That can be a walk on the beach, getting an ice cream or sob in front of Netflix for half a day feeling sorry for yourself. You might not be an outdoors kind of person and prefer spending time in your happy place. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to be more social as I can be a bit of a hermit crab at the best of times. Its helping my confidence a lot and I always feel better once I'm in the situation than I do thinking about it. Don't ever feel like you need to live your life in a certain way, just make sure your happy doing whatever you want. Life really is too short. 

Try and enjoy your week the best you can. 
Love Khrissie 

Advice: A positive change

12 July 2015
Oh hi! How are you all doing?

I thought I would take some time to have a chat with you guys as I've been in a rut lately that I cant seem to get myself out of. I really enjoy writing on this blog as I do dream of myself as Carrie Bradshaw on a regular basis and although I'm not the best writer in the world I hope my words can help in some way.

So I started my blog in May 2014 as a hobby as I was so fed up of the same routines in my everyday life, that I needed a good distraction before I crumbled into a pit of shame, willowing in my own despair. Sounds depressing right...well it was. So I started writing about beauty, fashion and lifestyle and I was so good at writing three posts a week but then it started to feel wrong and I soon realised that my passions dont really rely in these areas as much as I have a passion for helping people.

I am/was such a positive person back in the day but over the last couple of years I have felt myself changing into that wingeing friend that no one wants to be around. And that just isn't ME. So this post is about the start of a big change, a positive and happy one. I want to become the BEST version of myself and live a life that I can be content with...
I think the start of this moaning self, began with my anxiety.
Back in 2010 I was involved in a car crash with my sister which resulted in a written off car and whip lash for me. We were super lucky that was all the damage, as it could have been horrific. But since that day I haven't felt the same. You could say June 2010 was life changing for me.

My whip lash symptoms started with the hope they would fade into nothing, I could get on with my life as normal and forget about the event that took place that day. To my annoyance they got worse. A whole lot worse. At first I couldn't walk on the streets without a fear a car was going to drive into me. I felt like I was going to have panic attacks all the time but I was good at reading my body and distracting the effects, THANK GOD! I couldn't bare the thought of having a breakdown while I was on an internship, in front of people I didn't know!! This panic slowly got better over time but I now can't get into a car without freaking out that I am going to get hit again. Its something I am dealing with myself as I refuse to go on any sort of medication to help me.

Now, I know there are lots of people in the world with much more serious problems, I'm not trying to get pitty or anything of the sorts. I'm just figuring out where it all went wrong and how I can make the change for the better. So since the whiplash I noticed my neck was going numb, thinking some physio would sort me right out I had a good few sessions to see if there was any progression. I noticed small differences every time I went but nothing major so I ended up stopping that treatment and life went on. I went through a stressful period in my life where I had left uni and was trying to get a job and in the mean time the numbness was getting worse.

I had glandular fever in between all of this too which led to a fear I might have ME but resulted in chronic fatigue. That was a much better result but I still get bouts of it now and it effected me a lot at the time. From then (2012) to now I have undergone a series of tests to find out where the numbness was coming from as over the years it has spread down my back, arms, legs and bum. It has even effected my sex life as the numbness has spread too far. Its a kind of numb where you can feel something is touching you but not completely, like when you get pins and needles. Its an absolute pain in the ass (no pun intended ha!) and no doctor has given me any answers so I have the fear this is always something I am going to live with. 

I dont think I would mind as much if it didnt also come with a lot of pain in the neck and lower back. I'm afraid I wont be able to headbang anymore guys..I'm sorry. So thats another thing I am going to have to complain to the doctors about as well as my flair ups of IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome). 

I guess over the last 5 years I have had to deal with a lot. I've had my accident, trying to graduate uni with Glandular Fever (which I had to get in third year), family issues; which I will go into another time and trying to get a job out of uni, that I am happy in.

I never realised how much this has all effected me until I'm writing this right now. For five years I have let the incidents of one day control me and I cant deny how sad that makes me feel. I'm happy I have noticed that I need to make a change and sharing this with you is the first step to putting it all behind me and becoming that happy positive person I once was...

And so to round this up. No, this wouldn't be how I would want to spend my life. My resolution this year was to be happy, something that sounds so simple but quite hard to achieve. This is going to be my number one goal from now on and a thought I'm going to keep in mind when I make decisions in the future.
I'm sorry for the rambley post but I wanted to be honest with you all. I have always been honest and caring in the past and I have realised that talking about whats in your mind is the best kind of therapy to move on from whats stopping you being yourself. Lets share a journey of happiness together and have an amazing happiness party at the other end where we can say goodbye to the negative and hello to the positives.
I have been stuck in a rut for so long with this blog and what I want it to be, but now I have realised....

I want to help people. Give tips on happiness and to feel great and get motivated to really live your life the way you want. Say no to who and whatever is holding you back and yes to a better you. 

I hope this has been helpful in some way, do comment with your stories and rambles and lets create a community where we can help each other change them into positives. 

Lots of love 
Khrissie x

Road Trip: South of the UK

2 July 2015

Hello there you lovely lot!

I hope your having a wonderful week! The sunshine has been incredible this week, its a shame it will only last that long too, as it seems to brighten everyones mood. Travelling to work has been a tricky one though, with temperatures rising to 35 degrees and with no air to breathe. I cant complain about it as its much better than trying to keep out of the wind a rain, especially when you decide to go on a road trip around the UK, this is the kind of weather I was wishing for but weren't quite so lucky to get.

You might have seen one of my previous posts where I was giving you some ideas of what to do on a lazy weekend. Going on a little road trip was one of them and so me and Nick hired a little car and headed down to the south coast of the UK for a long weekend.

The image above shows the flat we stayed in on our little trip. It was a quaint little place in the heart of Graffham, West Sussex and situated on a little plot of land on the hosts property, surrounded by fields and horses. It was really quiet compared to London which I loved as I felt I could really relax in my happy place. The only issue was that there was no signal or wifi but that ended up being a god send as it felt that no one could contact us, and we could just spend some quality time together without getting disturbed.

The host, Penny and her husband were really lovely. They give you everything you need including some fresh walnut bread and eggs from their chickens. This made for a wonderful breakfast and topped with some homemade jam, I couldn't have asked for anything better. Just look at that view!

While we didnt have a very good experience with Europcar as we had to wait hours to pick it up as they had made a massive balls up with their service, we did manage to make the most of our time away even though half of our first day was spent sorting out that mess.

We visited Portsmouth and New Forest which were both lovely but accompanied by some wet and windy weather. New Forest was by far our favourite place and we plan to visit again some time, maybe for a weekend of camping. Its surrounded by fields and has lots of little villages tucked away in it for a spot of shopping. You can by fresh produce and the locals are always on hand to help if your looking for something in particular.

We ate lots of good food and filled my cravings of Nachos and talked about life, the world and what we want to do next. I think its really important to take time out of your stressful lives and spend it with the people that mean the most to you, as it can give you a new perspective on things.

Life can be hard and a lot to deal with at the best of times but if you remind yourself or what you have and things you have achieved no matter how big or small than it can seem that little bit better. Remember to be kind and to not compare yourself to others and life can be full of sunshine, even when you do live in London and it does rain 80% of the time.

We had a really lovely time away. Its always great to appreciate the country you live in and make the most of what you have around you without spending a fortune. The next stop is going to be Scotland as I've always wanted to go there but this time in a cold climate so I can snuggle up in a log cabin somewhere.

I hope you have enjoyed this little post.
Let me know if you have been anywhere nice lately?

Love Khrissie x


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