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The Liebster Award

29 July 2014

So yesterday I got nominated by the lovely Katriona Juliekins for the Liebster Award.
This is an award which is given from one blogger to another. Its a great way to promote
other lovely bloggers and to give them recognition for what the do. You then nominate
other bloggers...and the chain continues....

1 / You must link back to bloggers that nominate you
2 / You must list 11 random facts about you
3 / You must answer 11 questions (given by the blogger who nominated you)
4 / You must nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers 
5 / You must not nominate the blogger who nominated you
6 / Let your nominees know you nominated them (link them in your post)

11 random facts about me:
1 / Pizza is my favourite food
2 / I'm from Essex originally 
3 / I love being spontaneous 
4 / I want to travel the world
5 / I love calling people muffin?
6 / I'm yet to find someone who is just like me
7 / I love beyonce! 
8 / Unicorns are brilliant!
9 / I have funny theories about life
10 / I don't like being around negative people
11 / I daydream all the time

11 questions from Katriona Juliekins

1/ Are you a One Directioner?
They have catchy songs but I'm afraid I'm not in love...

2/ Guys with stubble or no stubble?
Stubble is nice to look at but no stubble is better to kiss

3/ Whats your favourite thing about being a blogger?
Getting to talk and meet the nicest people ever!

4/ Whats my guilty pleasure?
Singing to Shania Twain when I'm on my own

5/ Five weird facts?
 - I get bursts of energy before I sleep
 - I'm always dancing in the mirror
 - I like to pretend I'm a mermaid when I'm in the bath
 - When I'm a passenger in a car and a song comes on I pretend I'm in a music video
 - I love picking off nail varnish 

6/ Do you have a bf/gf?...if so how did you meet?
Yes I do have a BF! We met the second month of uni at a pub crawl.
It was love at first sight and I knew I wanted him and here I am 4 and 
a half years later. yipee!

7/ Did anything surprise you about being a blogger that you didn't expect?
I didnt know how lovely the community was or that you could talk to so 
many lovely people!

8/ Night in or night out?
Night in! I've done the uni thing now and I can't really drink now so 
a night in with a takeaway and some friends is perfect for me 

9/ Favourite ice cream flavour?
OMG mint chocolate chip and I want some NOW! ^_^

10/ Chinese takeaway or Dominos?
Er! Dominos...duh! Pizza is the best!

11/ What are your expectations or goals for your blog in a year?
I would love to reach 1,000 followers, meet more bloggers and 
have content I am really proud of!

11 questions from Becky from BBYB:

1/ What makes you really happy?
Knowing my friends and family are happy and healthy & personally 
achieving my goals and ambitions

2/ What is your real passion?
My first passion was to become a Graphic Designer. I am
one now and my new passion is creating a blog I love. 

3/ Why did you start blogging?
I've been reading blogs and watching Youtube for years now and
I have always tried to start one since the first year of uni in 2009 but
it never worked out. I've always dreamed of being Carrie Bradshaw but
I'm not the best writer so this is the next best thing. 

4/ Who is your favourite blogger + YouTuber?
At the moment I love the blog by Audery Leighton called Frassy. She 
gives me lots of inspiration. I'm watching a lot of Tyler Oakley at the moment
and I also love Velvetgh0st

5/ What are your top 3 'desert island' products?
If I really was on a desert island there would be no one around me so I 
would definitely be sporting the bare faced look as no one would care. 
I would want to be clean so a big bottle of cleanser and cotton pads, a moisturiser
with an SPF and deodorant....done!

6/ What couldn't you live without?
I would have to say my phone! I can access everything through it and how would I
contact my friends and family when they dont live near me! Its an obvious choice but
its obvious for a reason.

7/ How do you stay motivated?
Funnily enough I'm not motivated at all at the moment. I just
cant be bothered. I'm not sure whether its because I'm confused with what
I want to achieve in life or I have so much going on in my mind that I 
can't order what I'm meant to be doing. 

One thing I find helpful is to concentrate on something else for a minute. 
Theres on post I need to finish off and thats my goal, once thats complete 
I can get onto a new thing. Reading blogs helps too!

8/ Do you have a dream job? If so what?
My dream was to be a graphic designer and now I am but I want to
be something more now I've reached my goal but I'm not sure 
what that is yet? Being a full time blogger and exploring the world
sounds pretty awesome though
9/ Something you learnt recently
I've learnt that almost everyone you know is putting on a front to what they
are really feeling and having to deal with in life. Be nice people! 

10/ If you had to live in a decade other than the current one, which would you choose?
I think I would love to experience the 70s/80s just to see how different life was without all the
technology we have now.

11/ Finally, What's one life lesson of words of wisdom you love?
I've always told myself 'everything happens for a reason' from a very young age and 
it has always stuck with me. It keeps me positive as I really think negativity can have
a huge impact on your life

That was so much fun! I'm now going to nominate:
Laura Evelyn
Beauty Dreams
Hariette Casey

Your questions are:
1/ What would be your dream job?
2/ If you had to wear one thing everyday, what would it be?
3/ What inspires you?
4/ If you go to starbucks etc. What do you order?
5/ Do you have any pets?
6/ If you could be spontaneous right now, what would you do?
7/ Whats your pizza topping?
8/ Favourite artist(s)
9/ 3 funny facts about you?
10/ Whats a bad hait you have?
11/ Whats a staple beauty product you have?

I hope you enjoy the questions have enjoyed reading my answers.
Have a lovely day!

Khrissie x

Holiday Travel Essentials

28 July 2014
Happy Monday everyone, although most people don't see Monday as a good thing, I'm trying to get back to my positive self. I used to be a super positive and happy person and that person has got a little lost along the way. This is my goal at the moment. 

So today I thought I would show you some of my travel essentials that I photographed by the pool on holiday. These are things I would struggle to live without and I love them all dearly, as if they were my children. ha!

The Body Shop / Vitamin E Body Butter & Face Mist
These two products are so amazing! The body butter really helps make my skin soft and helps with damaged skin. The face mist is perfect for cooling you down and giving your face a refresh. Perfect for the aeroplane too!

Soap and Glory Hand Food
Lots of people love this product and I'm so exception. It comes in a handy bag friendly size and makes you smell amazing!

Blistex Lip Balm
I love this lip balm and its lovely and moisturising and ti gives you a small tint of colour to your lips to make to feel that little bit more fabulous! I also think its 15 SPF? Good huh!?

Canarian Aloe Cream
I got this while I was on holiday as I was burning so easily. This was helping cool my burn and helping it to turn brown from pink and it really worked! I tanned for the first time this year...yeah!

Garnier Sun Cream
I was using this thinking it was protecting me but it didn't protect me at all, after 4 days I had nearly used the bottle I was applying it so much! I then realised that its main ingredient was alcohol! Which clearly isn't good for your skin. I have become a lot more skincare wise after this and know to try and find a suncream that doesn't have alcohol or aqua as its first ingredient.

Olay Sunkissed Moisteriser
I've been using this for the past few months now and I'm hooked. It smells amazing and its been very kind to my skin and keeping it looking healthy and glowing. It has SPF 15 in it so perfect for daily use and has 7 total effect in it. Its purse friendly and a clear winner in my beauty routine.

Vintage Hat
I've been trying to find one of these hats for ages now! and non I tried on really seemed to fit me properly or the shape was a bit funny. I found this in a market in London, sitting on its own on a hat stall, £10 cheaper than the ones I have seen in shops. I tried it on and it was perfect. I just love it and it now stops my head from burning and makes me look super cute! ha!

Primark Neck Pillow 
This thing is better than sliced bread..... There you go I said it! It perfect for the plane so I can actually sleep and not end up on someones shoulder. Yes that did happen.... Its also perfect to use on the sun lounger for some extra comfort. I wouldn't go on holiday without it and if I did I would have to buy one from the airport straight away.

Everyone and their dog loves sunglasses but I find it really hard to find ones to fit my wide face. Damn those cheekbones :P I always want to wear those super trendy ones and have a great collection of them but I cant :( boohoo! Aviators suit almost everyone, including me! yay! So in a rush I brought a £2 pair from Primark and they done the job perfectly. Next up is saving for some Raybans!

This little but of technology makes reading so easy. I love picking up a good book at the best of times but a hard copy is no fun in the sunshine, nor is it good for luggage allowance. This is perfect as it doesn't reflect the sun so no matter where you hold it, you can still read the words without the sunlight shining into your soul. Its easy to hold in one hand, cocktail in the other! Perfection!

I hope you enjoyed my roundup of some of my holiday essentials.
What are your holiday essentials? I'd love to know :)

Khrissie x

OOTD: Floral Kimono

23 July 2014

Dress / H&M
Leggings / H&M
Shoes / Koi Coture (similar here)
Necklace / Primark

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I hope your having a lovely day whatever your doing. In the weekdays I work my full-time graphic design job which takes up a lot of hours in the day. I'm always thinking about blogging in the back of my mind though and so I'm going to try and post an 'Outfit of the day' whenever I can in the week. Its going to be a real representation of what I wear on a daily basis as I really want this blog to be true to me and not too try hard.

Today I just chucked on this dress and leggings as I was having one of those mornings and I wanted to be comfy. I then realised how boring it was and hey presto the beloved kimono came out. Then I added the necklace and it still weren't enough. 'I was colour damn you!' and shining at me were these shoes. They are one hell of a statement but I love them and so did a few of my colleagues (with a few screwed up faces thrown in ha!)

On twitter/instagram I am going to post daily inspiration to try and help you guys out aswell. If its a tip I find or a quote I've thought of etc. We all need a little inspiration in our lives and so I thought this would be a good way to share the love. I'm going to use the hashtag #inspireyou so you can share inspiring thoughts etc too! My ideas book made me think of that :P....

p.s I can't seem to take this kimono off at the moment! I adore it and I can't believe I found it in select!
So if you see me in it a lot, I am washing it ha! but I'm just putting it straight back on, as you do..

Love Khrissie x

KhrissieLoves...Vlogging Pt.3 (holiday edition)

20 July 2014

I'm such a joker.. ha!

Food glorious foooood!

Outfit: Playsuit & Shoes / New Look


Happy Sunday everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend? Mine was spent at LoveBox festival which was brilliant, I had a wonderful time, mainly spent chilling in the hammocks under a huge tree as it was so sweaty hot! I had filmed a vlog about this and it will be up on my channel next week hopefully. I have also filmed a video with my lovely blogger friend and former roomate Jough which will be up soon too! I have so many videos at the moment! I'm loving it though :)

I hope you enjoy this Part. 3 of my holiday. I cant believe I filmed so many clips for such a chilled holiday, but its so nice to look back on all the things we done. If you film any holiday vlogs, do tweet me at @khrissieloves as I would love to see them.

Let me know any feedback as I'm always looking to improve!
Thanks guys
Khrissie x

KhrissieLoves... Vlogging Pt. 2 (holiday edition)

14 July 2014


Evening Ladies & Gentlemen!

Here I have Part 2 of my vlog as I had to separate the footage as there way too much! It's been so fun trying to learn how to edit these things, and I still have lots to learn but hopefully its watchable without being too annoying? 

I seem to talk a lot in these vlogs ha! It was my first ever vlogging session and I didnt really have a plan on how it was going to come together, so this is me just being me! We play mini golf and get a little bit crazy at the end of the video....

Part. 3 will be uploaded next weekend.
I hope your enjoying this little holiday series and if you want more just let me know

Are any of you heading off on holiday this summer?
Or have yu already been somewhere. Let me know as I love hearing
about your recommendations

Blogger Event: Afternoon Tea

13 July 2014
source: charlotte street hotel

source: Charlotte Street Hotel

So today I went on Twitter (shocker!) and I saw that there was a little bloggers event happening that Sophie Morgan had organised. It was to meet at the Charlotte Street Hotel and have afternoon tea and a chat which sounds like the perfect thing to do on a Sunday afternoon so I decided to go along.

The girls at the event were: Jess Dante, Sunny_London, Katie MatthewsSophie Morgan, Lottie Pearce & April Todd / Make sure you check them out as they have great blogs!

I hadn't met any of the bloggers before or even talked to many of them but one of the points of me doing a blog is to help me gain confidence and this was a perfect way to do that, as well as meet some lovely bloggers. There was a choice of two teas to choose from so I picked the traditional which included:

Sandwiches: Cheese & Pickle / Salmon / Egg
Scones with cream and jam (which were still warm! yum!)
Cakes: Victoria sponge / Carrot Cake / Orange Chocolate cake
Tea: A wide variety from English Breakfast to Green Tea
Price: £23

I was so nice hearing all the bloggers stories and getting to know them all. It's interesting to hear their back stories and what they do as a job, engagement stories! Congratulations Sophie, your story was adorable <3

I hope I get to meet them again and go to more events like this as its so relaxed with no pressure on taking photos etc. Make sure you go to the Charlotte Street Hotel if you get a chance as the food is so delicious and the interior is gorgeous! I just spent some of my time staring at the paintings on the walls.

Thank you so much for inviting me :)
Khrissie x

Do you need some make up inspiration for a festival your going to? Click here.
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Drugstore Festival Makeup Kit

12 July 2014
Drugstore Festival Makeup Kit "Rio Rio' / Bag from Superdrug
Base: Body Shop BB Cream / Rimmel Stay Matte Powder / Rimmel Wake me up concealer / Eco Tools Travel Brush

Eye Shaddow & Nails: Sleek i-devine palette in Rio Rio / 17 eyes in Seagreen / Barry M in Matte Cancun & Barry M Aquarium Collection in Pacific (How gorgeous is this! So mermaid!)

Eye Shaddow: Sleek i-devine palette in Rio Rio

Lips, Cheeks & Eyebrows: L'oreal Liquid Lipstick in Rose Symphony / Sleek Eyebrow Kit in Light / Revlon Highlighting Palette (Blush & Highlight in one!) / Eco Tools Travel Set

Eyebrows: Sleek Eyebrow Kit in Light 

Eyes: Kate Moss Rocking Curves Mascara in Jet Black

Eyes: Rimmel Scandaleyes Mirco Liner in Black

Hello there you wonderful lot,

Here I have put together a Festival Kit for you based on products at the drugstore. If your a beauty lover and make up enthusiast I know you wouldn't go a day with at least a lashing of mascara. 

When your at a festival you never want to take your best things and somehow they always get lost!...Hello Nokia 3310! So I thought why not show you how you can pack your own little make up bag away for the weekend with products that you don't have to worry about and give you so many different looks in one, just by having the right palette with you. 

My favourite stand out item has to be the 'Sleek i-devine Eyeshadow Palette in Rio Rio'. It's limited edition for the summer and its perfect. I mean..just look at those colours! Festivals are the time to experiment with shadows and put away your neutrals that we are oh so attached to! This palette is a perfect transition from that and they are mineral based so they feel so soft and they blend really well, so get experimenting people! 

I've got a second post coming up with 2 looks using all these products, I had great fun with them and I'm looking out to trying more. I hope this was helpful to you and gives you some inspiration on what to take if your heading to a festival soon.

What festivals are you going to this year?
If you try out any looks based on the 'Rio Rio' palette please tweet me so I can see
all your wonderful creations / @khrissieloves

See yo' later!
Khrissie x

The British Tag #tealovers

10 July 2014
Hello there,

So I'm a new blogger I have been trying to find ways to connect and meet new bloggers as my friends just don't get this whole 'blogger' thing so it's nice to talk to people with the same interest. After looking at Becky Bedbugs blog I saw that there were weekly chats for lifestyle, beauty and fashion bloggers etc and so I just had to get involved.

On one of these chats we ended up getting onto the conversation of tea and how much we love it, what biscuits if any we like to dunk etc... and so the hashtag #tealover was born! I was so content that this became a thing and so when Emily May done the British tag and nominated me I had to do it!

So here it goes.....

1. How many cups of tea do you drink a day? Any sugars?
I would say roughly 1-4 cups a day! Definitely one in the morning and in then in the afternoon, its definitely an 'Ahhhh!' moment for me when I drink it! 1 sugar please!

2. Favourite part of your roast?
Omgosh! How can I decide? I don't get roasts often but I'm going to have to say roast potatoes! Especially how my Grandad does them, they are to die for! (now im dreaming of them...)

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?
As Emily had mentioned in her post, this came up in our chat #tealovers and I am definitely a bourbon kind of girl! I had a good ol' dunk today actually.. so satisfying!

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?
Ooo mine would have to be a nice picnic in the park! I've always wanted to buy a proper picnic basket and have a check blanket to sit on with scones and cute little cakes. Ok... I need to make this happen this summer. I'll let you know how I get on.. a perfect picnic pack up post might be coming your way...

5. Favourite word?
oh this is easy 'darling'.... Darling is a great word! I like to talk in a proper british accent sometimes, just to accentuate part of a conversation. Weird I know but its great fun!

6. Cockney rhyme slang?
To be honest I don't know too many. The one that I have used, in what conversation I do not know is 'Bobby Dazzler'. Like...she's a right bobby dazzler (good looker)

7. Favourite sweets/chocolate?
This is hard to answer as I have a favourite chocolate/sweet then I get bored of it and I move on. At the moment I am in love with Daim bars! omg! and they are so hard to find but a part of Kraft. Before that I was loving Snickers..Mmm especially in Ice Cream format, which is British yay!

8. What would your pub be called?
'The Unicorn' I'm sure it already exists but I have a thing with them at the moment and the royal logo features a unicorn on it so real or not its British..he!

9. Favourite British person?
The Queen! She's amazing and I love all the co-ordination in her outfits, even down to the umberllas she uses. I think we can take some learnings from olde' queeny.

10. Favourite pub/restaurant?
I'm not even sure whats classed as British theses days but I bloody love a good pie and Pieminister do the best pie and mash ever! If you can I highly recommend you check them out, theres a pop up in Camden Town, London if your ever visiting....

11. What British song pops into your head?
Spice Girls 'When 2 becomes 1'.... weren't they just the best girl band EVER!!!

12. Marmite?
Uh yes! Sometimes its just needed on toast in the morning but its best in things like stews and casseroles. It's my little trick when ever I am making anything with mince/lentils as it just adds a kick of flavour which really benefits the dish.

Well that was good fun! You should definitely do this tag as I nominate everyone, no matter where in the world you are. You can create a post and link it to me as I'd love to see your answers or just comment below so I can have a gander.

...and don't forget to tweet #tealover if your a fan of the good stuff too!

Khrissie x

Khrissie Loves...Vlogging Pt.1 (Holiday Edition)

6 July 2014


Happy Sunday!

So as you might have known if you have seen any of my social media last week, that I have been having a whale of a time on holiday with my wonderful friend Ellie. We normally plan a spontaneous holiday and this is our third one which is yet again in the Canary Islands. We just can't keep away and we now have a plan to make sure we visit all of them at some point.

As I have just started my blog, finally! I thought, why not vlog it? You get a better feel of the place rather than bombarding a post with too many photos I couldn't even be bothered to sift through. I'm not a very confident person and can be quite the introvert but I am doing this blog to change that and hopefully help my anxiety a bit more. I was quite surprised with how quickly I picked it up and I really didn't mind too much about talking with other people around. I think London would be a different feeling all together though.

I have added a few random photos into the post too as I didn't take too many as I was vlogging or relaxing by the pool most of the time! Oh how I'm dreaming up my next holiday. This is my first ever vlogging and video editing experience and although I've had to learn as I went on, I've managed to get this first bit done over some spare time over the last 2 days which I am pretty happy with.

Please let me know any feedback because I of course want to get better at this as its a skill I'm really enjoying learning. I hope you enjoy seeing a little bit into my time on holiday and look out for part 2 which will be up next week.

Khrissie x

Daisy Duke

5 July 2014

(These are shot in quite bright daylight so the contrast is a bit crazy but I cant ignore the beautiful weather)
Top / Urban Outfitters
Jeans / H&M
Shoes / New look

Hello there!

So its the first weekend in July and I cant believe it! I know most people say this but life really is going to quick. I've been in Tenerife that last week as you may have seen through my social media and it was the nicest, most relaxing week ever! I'm definitely going through a stage of holiday blues but I've been so busy since I got back I haven't had a chance to just sit down and chill to get over it. This is the first time I've been able to sit and relax a little and I'm not going to lie, all I want to do today is lay in bed and watch 'Orange is the new black' and eat ice cream, as I'm completely shattered. 

Theres so much I want to do with my blog and so many posts that need sorting but I really dont have enough time, as theres only so much daylight for shooting in the day as well as needing to do two whole loads of washing as I dont have anything to wear at the moment, so shameful!

Theres always overwhelming days in life but I'll soon sort myself out and be right back on track with everything, I'm sure of it! I'm also trying to learn how to edit videos as I vlogged a lot of little clips while on holiday and I've managed a little bit so far but I'm trying to get all the transitions right and do I add a intro page? do I add music? Its all up in the air but I'm really enjoying learning a new skill.

I'm going to have a little break and catch up on some programmes (eh-hem! OITNB) and then try and learn some more editing skills! Have a lovely weekend and dont feel ashamed if you want to stay in and be a little lazy too as we all need a break from the real world at some point!

Have a lovely weekend whatever you decide.
Khrissie x


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