I'm such a joker.. ha!

Food glorious foooood!
Outfit: Playsuit & Shoes / New Look
Happy Sunday everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend? Mine was spent at LoveBox festival which was brilliant, I had a wonderful time, mainly spent chilling in the hammocks under a huge tree as it was so sweaty hot! I had filmed a vlog about this and it will be up on my channel next week hopefully. I have also filmed a video with my lovely blogger friend and former roomate Jough which will be up soon too! I have so many videos at the moment! I'm loving it though :)
I hope you enjoy this Part. 3 of my holiday. I cant believe I filmed so many clips for such a chilled holiday, but its so nice to look back on all the things we done. If you film any holiday vlogs, do tweet me at @khrissieloves as I would love to see them.
Let me know any feedback as I'm always looking to improve!
Thanks guys
Khrissie x
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