Holiday Travel Essentials

28 July 2014
Happy Monday everyone, although most people don't see Monday as a good thing, I'm trying to get back to my positive self. I used to be a super positive and happy person and that person has got a little lost along the way. This is my goal at the moment. 

So today I thought I would show you some of my travel essentials that I photographed by the pool on holiday. These are things I would struggle to live without and I love them all dearly, as if they were my children. ha!

The Body Shop / Vitamin E Body Butter & Face Mist
These two products are so amazing! The body butter really helps make my skin soft and helps with damaged skin. The face mist is perfect for cooling you down and giving your face a refresh. Perfect for the aeroplane too!

Soap and Glory Hand Food
Lots of people love this product and I'm so exception. It comes in a handy bag friendly size and makes you smell amazing!

Blistex Lip Balm
I love this lip balm and its lovely and moisturising and ti gives you a small tint of colour to your lips to make to feel that little bit more fabulous! I also think its 15 SPF? Good huh!?

Canarian Aloe Cream
I got this while I was on holiday as I was burning so easily. This was helping cool my burn and helping it to turn brown from pink and it really worked! I tanned for the first time this year...yeah!

Garnier Sun Cream
I was using this thinking it was protecting me but it didn't protect me at all, after 4 days I had nearly used the bottle I was applying it so much! I then realised that its main ingredient was alcohol! Which clearly isn't good for your skin. I have become a lot more skincare wise after this and know to try and find a suncream that doesn't have alcohol or aqua as its first ingredient.

Olay Sunkissed Moisteriser
I've been using this for the past few months now and I'm hooked. It smells amazing and its been very kind to my skin and keeping it looking healthy and glowing. It has SPF 15 in it so perfect for daily use and has 7 total effect in it. Its purse friendly and a clear winner in my beauty routine.

Vintage Hat
I've been trying to find one of these hats for ages now! and non I tried on really seemed to fit me properly or the shape was a bit funny. I found this in a market in London, sitting on its own on a hat stall, £10 cheaper than the ones I have seen in shops. I tried it on and it was perfect. I just love it and it now stops my head from burning and makes me look super cute! ha!

Primark Neck Pillow 
This thing is better than sliced bread..... There you go I said it! It perfect for the plane so I can actually sleep and not end up on someones shoulder. Yes that did happen.... Its also perfect to use on the sun lounger for some extra comfort. I wouldn't go on holiday without it and if I did I would have to buy one from the airport straight away.

Everyone and their dog loves sunglasses but I find it really hard to find ones to fit my wide face. Damn those cheekbones :P I always want to wear those super trendy ones and have a great collection of them but I cant :( boohoo! Aviators suit almost everyone, including me! yay! So in a rush I brought a £2 pair from Primark and they done the job perfectly. Next up is saving for some Raybans!

This little but of technology makes reading so easy. I love picking up a good book at the best of times but a hard copy is no fun in the sunshine, nor is it good for luggage allowance. This is perfect as it doesn't reflect the sun so no matter where you hold it, you can still read the words without the sunlight shining into your soul. Its easy to hold in one hand, cocktail in the other! Perfection!

I hope you enjoyed my roundup of some of my holiday essentials.
What are your holiday essentials? I'd love to know :)

Khrissie x

6 comments on "Holiday Travel Essentials"
  1. I agree with so many of these, I couldn't go on holiday without my kindle!

    Salt and Chic // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Are you reading any books at the moment? I'm trying to find some new ones to read :) x

  2. Great picks. I recently went Interrailing and I had no room to take any of my usual essentials, strictly a sunglasses, lip barm, sunscreen kind of holiday, it was brutal haha! H xx

    1. oh wow! That must have been difficult. I hope you had a wonderful trip though :) x

  3. Totally agree with your holiday essentials! Can't live without em!

    An x

  4. Thanks :) What brands have you been using on holiday? xx



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